BluPower ~sustainable hydroelectric solution

BluPower incorporates principles of nature-based engineering to strategically deploy low-head structures that harness natural hydrological processes at the river basin to restore watersheds’ ecological function and generate co-benefits that include increased groundwater recharge, improved fish habitat, sediment management, water security and quality - all while generating reliable renewable energy. Our combined knowledge of recharging ground water using watersheds and producing clean energy from it is an innovative idea necessary to be deployed at the earliest especially in drought affected areas in countries which presently rely on other water conservation techniques. Our mission is to mitigate climate change and build climate resilience by providing hardware and software solutions that enable 100% renewable grid via hydro power.
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
Energy - climate change
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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