Terracotta Water Filter

Followed with a decade of research a terracotta water filter was first introduced in the year 2014. Continually researching with various types of clay to provide the best for its customers. The clay filtration unit which is an existing technology was introduced to Sri Lanka by the Red Cross Society as an immediate solution provided for families affected due to Tsunami with no access to clean water living on coastal trench. Ever since then many traditional village potters have duplicated the technology. Redesigning the concept by adding a touch of modernized elegance and presenting it as an environmentally friendly product that is affordable for the mass market. It won SUNFO Recognition Award by SUNFO Global Federation in relation to World Water Day 2021. Water filter consists of 20 liters capacity with 1 liter being filtered every hour naturally. The inner filter is developed using carefully selected composite of materials that are suitable for human consumption.
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
Resources - circular - ecosystems
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
Sri Lanka
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